Monday, October 4, 2010

Good Economic News

Cuba announces raft of reforms - Cuba is preparing to embrace the free market the hard way by laying off hundreds of thousands of public sector workers in the next six months. Full story here

Maybe in January the headlines will read - U.S.A. is preparing to embrace the free market the hard way by laying off hundreds of thousands of public sector workers in the next six months.

I don't think the home made rafts will be going in the other direction any time soon but at the same time Cuba has no place to go but up.

If you want the headlines to change in our country you need to change Washington D.C. 4 weeks from today.


Living Life said...

I plan to do my research (with your help of course) to see who I want to vote for in the upcoming election.

Jan n Jer said...

I have been paying attention and trying to make up my mind who gets my vote!

DM said...

Like the government would ever lay off workers. We can all dream.

Anonymous said...

Throw the bums out is the cry of us depressed voters. They may try to say it wasn't their fault but they voted for all the expensive programs that now have us in debt forever. SO vote them OUT in NOV..The Dems. just don't get it....